"On September 14, 2010, Rutgers Business School will be hosting the 1st Comprehensive Firm Valuation Symposium from 8:00-5:00 PM at One Washington Park Room 228 Newark, New Jersey.
- Dr.Marcus Spies
"Information Extraction based Monitoring of Intangibles and Risk Measurement"
- Mary Adams
"Triangulating Intangibles", "I-Capex is the New Capital Expenditure"
Video Presentation
- Benedetto Bongiorno
"Key Factors in the Measurement of the value of Intangibles"
- Feng Gu
"Goodwill and Goodwill Write-off: Economic and Accounting Implications"
Published Work
- Baruch Lev
"What Works and Doesn’t Work In the Intangibles/IC Area"
Published Work
- Janet Hao
"What is a Company Really Worth? The Role of Internally-Produced Intangibles"
- Amy Pawlicki
"Breaking the Barriers to Monitoring & Reporting of the Intangibles that Drive Enterprise Value Creation"
- Tony Tinker
"Discussants Comments"
- Miklos Vasarhelyi
"Intangibles in a Continuous Reporting Schema"
Video Presentation
- Stefano Zambon
"Ups and Downs in the Enthusiasm about Intangibles: TheWay Forward"
Video Presentation
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