13th WCARS - Ferrara - June 15-16, 2007

University of Ferrara |
Ferrara, Italy
- Stefano Zambon, "The Continuous Evolution of Continuous Auditing: Insights and Issues
from the Outside In"
- Dr. Giuseppe Gullo, Mariella Burani, and Andaf, (Italian
Association of CFOs)
- Dr. Paolo Voarino, Bipop Bank
- Dr. Paolo Lombardi, XBRL at the Monte dei Paschi di Siena: Experience and Prospects
Search Engines for Extracting, Managing, and Analyzing Knowledge
from the SEC Filings in XBRL and Beyond
Prof. Raj Srivastava, University of Kansas - Stefano Zambon, Digital Accounting Research, XBRL, and the Challenge of
Non-Financial Information (Intangibles)
- Harm Jan Van Burg, The XBRL Taxonomy Project in the Netherlands
- Christopher S. Rossie, Center for Audit Quality Efforts to Standardize and Increase
Frquency of Forensic-in-the-Audit