Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt

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Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt, CPA

CPA (2000 – Türkiye), CFE (2005 USA)
President – 61st World Continuous Auditing & Reporting Symposium (WCARS)
Research Member, Forensic Accounting Research & Enterprise Centre (FARE) The School of Finance and Management, SOAS, University of London, UK
Speaker, Cambridge Economic Crime Symposium, Jesus College


Kıymet Tunca Çalıyurt graduated from Business Administration Department, Marmara University (1990) in Istanbul; her Master's (1994) and Ph.D. (2002) degrees are from the Accounting and Finance Programme at the Social Graduate School, Marmara University; her postdoctoral study is from London Metropolitan University (2004). Prof Çalıyurt worked as an auditor at Horwath Auditing Company, as a manager at McDonald's, and as finance staff at Singapore Airlines. After vast experience in the private sector, she has started to work in academia. Her research interests are accounting, auditing, fraud examination, social responsibility, corporate governance, finance, business ethics, and sustainability, particularly in auditing, aviation management, NGOs, and the health sector.

Prof Çalıyurt was a visiting researcher at John Molson School of Business in 2001 summer (International Centre for Aviation Management), Massachusetts University Amherst Business School in the 2014 summer, the 2018 summer, 2024 summer (Accounting and Information System), University of National World and Economy in the 2019 summer (Faculty of Accounting). She founded the International Group on Governance, Fraud, Ethics and Social Responsibility (IGonGFE&SR) and the International Women and Business Group(IWBG) in 2009; both groups organized annual conferences and published international book series.

Prof Çalıyurt performs as:

  • book series editor in Springer indexed in Scopus, titled “Accounting, Finance, Sustainability, Governance & Fraud: Theory and Application”, and in Routledge titled “Women and Sustainable Business”.
  • attends as an invited speaker at the Cambridge Economic Crime Symposium and a workshop organizer on the role of external auditors in fraud prevention.
  • editorial board member in the Journal of Financial Crime (Web of Science - ESCI), International Journal of Law and Management(Web of Science - ESCI), Journal Money Laundering Control (Web of Science – ESCI).

She is a founding partner of Herme Consulting located in Trakya University Technopark. Herme Consulting organizes conferences and helps academics on editing issues; Herme Academy has teaching modules on information systems, cybersecurity, fraud examination, sustainability, auditing, accountability, and academic publishing.