A Joint Project of the American and European Accounting Associations
Digitized Materials: Sources & Collections
- The University of Mississippi Digital Accounting Collection
(The Accounting Historians Journal complete from 1974 through 2005) The following are available full text, with search engines:- The Accounting Historians Journal, 1974-2005
- 342 noncurrent AICPA exposure drafts, about 13,000 pages
- About 300 accounting pamphlets, primarily early 20th century
- 23 historic illustrations and photography
- The Accounting Historians Notebook (in progress)
- The Digital Accounting Collection also includes bibliographic records for an additional 33,000 accounting pamphlets of all types; these pamphlets are not digitized
- The Raymond J. Chambers Digital Materials Archive (University of Sydney)
- Research Institute for Economics & Business Administration - Kobe University - Database on Japanese Companies Note: ID and Password needed to access database please contact Hidetoshi Yamaji at yamaji@rieb.kobe-u.ac.jp
- Baruch College, City University of New York, Newman Library (Saxe Lectures in Accounting)
- Google Scholar
- THE CPA JOURNAL (New York State Society of CPAs) Archive: l989-to current date
- Oxford University Library Services.
- Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan: Professor Yasuhi Kawabata's Database of 19th Century German Corporations Protocol: English Language Referencing: Japanese Language Reference, German Language Documents
- Russian Accounting Collection
- THE SEC Historical Society
Archival Information
- The Florida Accounting Archives Collection Catalogue
- Rutgers Accounting Research Directory
- Accounting Hall of Fame
- Advanced Papyrological Information System from Columbia University
Open Source
- FindArticles.com
- [German Language] German University Library Network:
- [German Language] German Institute of Accountants:
- [German Language] Schmalenbach Business Review:
- Professor Robert (Bob) Jensen's "Threads on accounting history"
Commercial URL Listings
- READEX which specializes in HISTORICAL CONTENT
- NEWSBANK (Parent of READEX and broader source supplier)
- SSRN-Accounting Research Network
- (Korean Language)DBPIA: 540,000 digitized academic articles from 98 journals, including 10 accounting journals
- SA ePublications The Accountant
note:Username and Password needed to view journals click here for trial access
(Guide to SA Business and Finance Collections) - [German Language] WISO: Relevant accounting articles with key word search
General Archiving Materials
- SCORE catalogue (UK collections of printed annual reports)
- Ancient Egyptian sources for the history of accountancy by Stephen Quirke
Digital News Items/Calendar
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