
- An Updated Measurement Theory Perspective on Accounting. T.J. Mock, M.A. Vasarhelyi, and Silvia Romero
- PROCESS MINING: RESEARCH OPPORTUNITIES IN AIS. Michael Alles, Mieke Jans, and Miklos Vasarhelyi.
- Usage of technology in audit: A case study with a large Audit Firm. Miklos A. Vasarhelyi, and Silvia Romero
- Analytical Procedures for Continuous Data Level Auditing: Continuity Equations. Alexander Kogan and Michael G. Alles and Miklos A. Vasarhelyi and Jia Wu.
- Innovation and practice of continuous auditing. Chan, D. Y., and M. A. Vasarhelyi. 2011. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 12 (2):152-160.
- Putting Continuous Auditing Theory Into Practice: Lessons from Two Pilot Implementations. Alles, Michael, Alexander Kogan, and Miklos Vasarhelyi. Journal of Information Systems 22.2. (2008): 195-214.
- Continuous Auditing: The USA Experience and Considerations for Its Implementation in Brazil.
Alles, Michael, Fernando Tostes, Miklos Vasarhelyi, and Edson Luiz Riccio.RGTSI- Revista de Gestao da Tecnologia e Sistemas de Informacao/ Journal of Information Systems and Technology Management 3.2. (2006): 211-224. - Continuous Monitoring of Business Process Controls: A Pilot Implementation of a Continuous Auditing System at Siemens
Alles, Michael, M. G. Brennan, Alexander Kogan, and Miklos Vasarhelyi. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 7.2. June 2006: 137-161. - Restoring Auditor Credibility: Territory Monitoring and Logging of Continuous Assurance Systems.
Alles, Michael, Alexander Kogan, and Miklos Vasarhelyi. International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 5.2. (2005): 183-202. - Alles, Michael, Alexander Kogan, and Miklos Vasarhelyi. "Principles of Analytic Monitoring for Continuous Assurance." Journal of Emerging Technologies in Accounting 1.1. (2004): 1-24.
- Alles, Michael, Donald J. Warren, Alexander Kogan, and Miklos Vasarhelyi. “How To Guard the Guards? Using New Technology and A Total Quality Approach to Reengineer the PCAOB Inspection Function.” Strategic Finance. Feb. 2006: 31-35.
- Alles, Michael, Alexander Kogan, and Miklos Vasarhelyi. “Black Box Logging and Tertiary Monitoring of Continuous Assurance Systems.” Information Systems Control Journal 1. (2003): 37-39.
- Teeter, Ryan and Rod Brennan, “Aiding the Audit: Using the IT Audit as a Springboard for
- Continuous Controls Monitoring”
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos. "Feasibility and Economics of Continuous Assurance." Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory. March 2002: 21.1.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos. "Concepts in Continuous Assurance, Chapter 12." Researching Accounting As An Information Systems Discipline by Arnold & Sutton. (2002): 257-271.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, Alexander Kogan, and Ephraim F. Sudit. "Continuous Online Auditing: A Program of Research." Journal of Information Systems 13.2. (1999): 87-103.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos. "Toward an Intelligent Audit: Online Reporting, Online Audit, and Other Assurance Services." Advances in Information Systems 6. (1998): 207-221.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, and F. B. Halper. "The Continuous Audit of Online Systems." Auditing: A Journal of Practice and Theory 10.1. December 1991.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, Carlos Elder Maciel De Aquino, and Washington Lopes Da Silva. “On the Road to Continuous Auditing.” Internal Auditor. Aug. 2008: 27-29.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, Carlos Elder Maciel De Aquino, Nilton Sigolo, and Washington Lopes Da Silva. “Six Steps to an Effective Continuous Audit Process.” The Tech Forum, Institute of Internal Auditors. July 2008.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, Alexander Kogan, and Michael G. Alles. “Would Continuous Auditing Have Prevented the Enron Mess?” The CPA Journal. July 2002.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, and Alexander Kogan. “Continuous Auditing and IT Developments.” IS Audit and Control Journal 5. (1999): 17-18.Vasarhelyi, Miklos, and Paolo Voarino. “Continuous Auditing and Control Scripting at Banca Popolare de Brescia.” IS Audit and Control Journal 5. (1999): 33-35.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos A., Michael G. Alles, and Katie T. Williams. Continuous Assurance for the Now Economy. A Thought Leadership Paper for the Institute of Chartered Accountants in Australia. Forthcoming May 2010.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, Michael Alles, Alexander Kogan, and Donald J. Warren. Continuous Control Monitoring. BNA Publishers, 2007.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, and Alexander Kogan. "Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing: Towards New Paradigms." Artificial Intelligence in Accounting and Auditing: Using Expert Systems. Vol. 4. Markus Wiener Publishers, 1998.
- Vasarhelyi, Miklos, J.P. Krahel, and Ryan Teeter. "Audit Education and the Real Time Economy." Issues in Accounting Education. Forthcoming, 2010.