Some of his publications can be found at the Social Science Electronic Publishing website. [6]
Please visit Grandmaster of Forensic Accounting [7], for more information, course details and EMBA student comments.
Some of his publications can be found at the Social Science Electronic Publishing website. [6]
Please visit Grandmaster of Forensic Accounting [7], for more information, course details and EMBA student comments.
Working Papers
[1] https://raw.rutgers.edu/taxonomy/term/14
[2] https://raw.rutgers.edu/taxonomy/term/17
[3] https://raw.rutgers.edu/taxonomy/term/38
[4] https://raw.rutgers.edu/faculty-research/departments/ais
[5] mailto:sureshg@andromeda.rutgers.edu
[6] http://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=20885
[7] https://raw.rutgers.edu/node/1991